Take Back Torrance Airport

Can Torrance Airport be a better neighbor?

We think so. We are advocating for a Safer, Healthier, Quieter Airport, managed with a higher concern for the Quality of Life for those living under its area of operations. Join us!




We are a civic coalition of concerned citizens taking organized action to restore the traditional harmony between the City-owned municipal airport and neighboring communities that is being destroyed by the harm from current flight school operations at the airport. We will press the Torrance City Council to take all necessary action to achieve that objective.

The Coalition for Torrance Airport Reform (COTAR) is an outgrowth of the roughly 1,000 residents who signed a petition last year demanding Council action on the safety, noise, and lead pollution issues created by current Torrance Airport operations. Because the City has not yet addressed these issues, COTAR is advocating for the City to take action to restore the balance between the community and its publicly-owned airport. COTAR will continue to campaign until residents can once again enjoy a peaceful quality of life in Torrance that is their right.

The Torrance City Council is scheduled to address airport issues at its upcoming meeting on July 25, 2023. COTAR has studied the issues and will be making recommendations to the Council on agenda items as well as other relevant issues not up for Council action at this time. The listing of the main issues needing attention is shown below.Write your text here...



Torrance Municipal Airport is a small general aviation airport granted to the City of Torrance by our federal government. It was never meant to be used as a large scale, regional pilot training center and flight schools base. The City is Owner and Landlord of the airport with proprietary rights over use of its land.

COTAR Objective

End business licenses and leases/subleases at Torrance Airport that permit high traffic flight school training operations that have created a “public nuisance” in the city. Allow no lease extensions and no new hangar rentals.

COTAR Objective

Direct the City Manager to follow the law and resume enforcing the Airport Code for all flights using the South runway (29L), prohibiting “left turns” over ‘noise sensitive’ residential neighborhoods. Change back the Noise Abatement Guide to show this as mandatory.

COTAR Objective

End the sale of leaded gas at the airport by June 30, 2024, with unleaded gas available for all planes by that date.

COTAR Objective

Charge reasonable landing fees for all aircraft using the airport, with exceptions for military, public safety and medical.

Not to mention

Our Mission

At Citizens Action Committee for Airport Reform, our mission is to advocate for the rights of affected citizens and homeowners associations in the South Bay. We are determined to address the increasing traffic and noise related to operations at Torrance Airport (Zamperini Field) and work towards a solution that benefits the community. Our goal is to create a more livable and sustainable environment for all.

Join us in our efforts

We welcome anyone who is concerned about the increasing traffic and noise issues caused by Torrance Airport's operations. Our committee is dedicated to bringing about much-needed reform to better serve the affected citizens and HOAs in the South Bay area. As a member, you will have the opportunity to voice your concerns and take action alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion for change.

About Citizens Action Committee for Airport Reform

Citizens Action Committee for Airport Reform is a civic group dedicated to addressing the increasing traffic and noise generated by operations at Torrance Airport (Zamperini Field) in the South Bay area. Our team is comprised of concerned citizens and HOAs who are determined to make a difference in our community.

Join us in the fight for a quieter, safer, and healthier community

Contact Us

We welcome anyone who is concerned about the noise, safety and pollution issues due to increasing operations and flight training at Torrance Airport. COTAR is dedicated to bringing about much-needed reform to better serve the affected citizens and HOAs in the South Bay area. As a member, you will have the opportunity to voice your concerns and take action alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion for improved quality of life in the South Bay.